November in the NH
Had an email this morning from AB Tours advertising weekend packages for London for the Twickers game. Thought it must be time to start a thread on matches/ who's going etc etc
I see the Dublin packages are sold out.
NZ$1400 for match ticket and two nights central accommodation. Seems steep, but has the bonus of ticket availability. I guess someone has to keep the ERFU in gin.
I'm going to the Dublin game with a work hookup, corporate box and long lunch beforehand
£50 Ryanair flights Saturday morning from London and an €80 AirBnB 15mins walk from the stadium, where the Irish host seems a legend already telling me to pack tissues.
@tewaio said in November in the NH:
I'm going to the Dublin game with a work hookup, corporate box and long lunch beforehand
£50 Ryanair flights Saturday morning from London and an €80 AirBnB 15mins walk from the stadium, where the Irish host seems a legend already telling me to pack tissues.
I thought you were so disillusioned with the game that you hate watching it
Sounds like a great recipe for a sore head.
Still no location settled for the Italy game. Looks like you can buy a package for around £500 for 2 nights and a ticket but with such late confirmation it is probably worth waiting and DIYing when tickets go on sale.
Edit: Some places have confirmed this game is in Rome although I can't find anything official. Does anyone know? Also has anyone purchased Italy tickets before and knows the official selling route?
@tewaio said in November in the NH:
I'm going to the Dublin game with a work hookup, corporate box and long lunch beforehand
£50 Ryanair flights Saturday morning from London and an €80 AirBnB 15mins walk from the stadium, where the Irish host seems a legend already telling me to pack tissues.
Pornhub on stream as well. Sounds like a great host.
Think I have found the official path from the Italian site but no mention at all yet of the AB game
@crucial said in November in the NH:
@tewaio said in November in the NH:
I'm going to the Dublin game with a work hookup, corporate box and long lunch beforehand
£50 Ryanair flights Saturday morning from London and an €80 AirBnB 15mins walk from the stadium, where the Irish host seems a legend already telling me to pack tissues.
I thought you were so disillusioned with the game that you hate watching it
Sounds like a great recipe for a sore head.
This is TSF - since when does a good rant on one thread have any carry over to opinions on another thread?
@catogrande said in November in the NH:
@tewaio said in November in the NH:
I'm going to the Dublin game with a work hookup, corporate box and long lunch beforehand
£50 Ryanair flights Saturday morning from London and an €80 AirBnB 15mins walk from the stadium, where the Irish host seems a legend already telling me to pack tissues.
Pornhub on stream as well. Sounds like a great host.
I knew as soon as I wrote that someone would go there....
@tewaio said in November in the NH:
@catogrande said in November in the NH:
@tewaio said in November in the NH:
I'm going to the Dublin game with a work hookup, corporate box and long lunch beforehand
£50 Ryanair flights Saturday morning from London and an €80 AirBnB 15mins walk from the stadium, where the Irish host seems a legend already telling me to pack tissues.
Pornhub on stream as well. Sounds like a great host.
I knew as soon as I wrote that someone would go there....
It goes hand in hand really..