
181 Topics 102.5k Posts
  • 0 Votes
    217 Posts

    @Chris said in Should the Crusaders change their name?:

    @Kirwan said in Should the Crusaders change their name?:

    So what ended up being decided? Keeping the name, losing the sword?

    At the moment sword and knight gone from the Logo for 2020 name stays for next season but under review for 2021

    Ahh, the weasly chicken shit way of changing the name.

  • French Politics

    0 Votes
    141 Posts

    All other outlets seem to be towing the "motive of the knife attack is unclear" line , the daily mail may be a rag but at least they actually did report on it

    Deaf 'Islamic convert' is named as Paris police HQ attacker Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
  • Instagram

    0 Votes
    40 Posts

    @MajorRage way to shut down a bitch session piling on Sonny Bill. Killjoy

  • Gareth Thomas

    5 Votes
    13 Posts

    @Siam said in Gareth Thomas:

    @MiketheSnow said in Gareth Thomas:

    @Siam said in Gareth Thomas:

    I went off Thomas after all his virtue signalling when he claimed a 16 year old left him visibly shaken by attacking him on a Saturday night in Cardiff at 9pm.
    That's right a 16 year old "hate" criminal saw Gareth Thomas and attacked him purely because of his sexuality. This 16 year old was able to better a professional 100kg athlete with thousands of hours of contact and combat training experience and it was definitively a "hate" crime (in other places it's called common assault and is against the law despite whatever motivations you tweet to the world).

    Thomas highlighted that this assault (one of hundreds in Cardiff on any Saturday night) was due to his sexuality and was a hate crime. One common assault by a wayward teenager and all the world is a hot bed of poofter bashing huh? Well it might be but I doubt it and we have laws in place for assault.

    One 5 minute altercation on a Cardiff street and we have twittered proof of HATE crimes! No other way to deal with it than proclaiming you've been the victim of a hate crime?

    Thomas IMHO, has gone from a genuine contributor to societal equal treatment, with a pertinent story to tell, to a virtue signaller contributing to extra rights, based on his view of the world.

    You're entitled to your opinion but there are plenty of 16-year olds on a night out in Cardiff who could easily knock out a pissed up 45-year old former professional athlete.

    In fact they travel far and wide to the Capital for that very chance.

    Been going on forever in S Wales, and I suspect in most working class cities

    These boys invariably end up working the doors once their rep has been established.

    Normal dick swinging Fighting or deliberate gay bashing?

    I'm sure the former, and am sceptical that thugs are accurately cognizant of the sexuality of their targets, in this day and age.

    It was the clear gay bashing narrative that is out of line here.

    Look, Thomas was great to front up when and how he did and he added value to the community and society.

    This value diminished when he pontificated "hate crime" and then embarked on a tv circuit of appearances, probably stunning and brave.

    Now his value to society differs again as he takes us through an imaginative narrative involving HIV, the highest risk group in society, and, basically, the sexual conduct this group regularly exhibit

    All because society mistreated you due to your immutable sex characteristics huh?

    Yeah nah, fuck of Gareth, you're not the only gay in the village anymore, or do we have to sit through Nigel Owen's genital warts saga too? 😀

    We don't know, we weren't there. May have to take Thomas' word. In fairness, the kid didn't refute it.

    The rest, agreed.

    Turns out he and his husband have known about his HIV for ages and the only reason he came 'clean' about it was a newspaper found out and told his parents.

    Thomas then tried to get ahead of it.

    In his presser he said he wanted to educate himself and others about living with HIV.

    Surely he should have been saying 'educate others not to make the same mistakes as me'.

  • Julian Assange arrested

    0 Votes
    65 Posts

    Oh dear, how sad , never mind

    Sep 13, 2019  /  World Julian Assange to remain jailed after sentence ends | Newshub Julian Assange to remain jailed after sentence ends | Newshub

    A judge has ruled there are grounds for believing the 48-year-old would abscond again.

  • Censorship and the Mosque Shooting

    0 Votes
    220 Posts

    First they came for Philip Arps and I said nothing because he seemed like he was a nasty prick who belonged in jail


  • Ihumātao halt to development

  • Multiple stabbings Sydney CBD

    0 Votes
    25 Posts



  • The American Civil War

    3 Votes
    28 Posts

    @sparky said in The American Civil War:

    Ken Burns documentary is thorough and beautifully made, but slow. Shelby Foote's three-volume Civil War narrative history is incredibly informative, but at 1.2 million words is quite an investment in time.

    Books I would most recommend on US Civil War:

    Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson. Excellent on the major combatants and engagements. Written in a lucid and accessible style. Standard recommended work on topic for 25+ years.

    This Republic of Suffering by Drew Gilpin Faust. An account of how men suffered how they died and how they were buried in the US Civil War. Extremely moving.

    The Fiery Trial by Eric Foner. Superb analysis on Lincoln's changing views on slavery by a master historian.

    Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Looks at Lincoln's political relationships with Seward and the others who competed with him for the Presidency. It captures well what a superb player of the political game Abraham Lincoln was

    Gettysburg is well-worth a visit if you are ever in NYC, Philadelphia or Washington DC. Only a few hours drive from each and an extremely well-presented battlefield. The official guides at Gettysburg are generally excellent. I was fortunate one time to be shown around by a guide who they use for visiting Presidents and Heads of States.

    Was there any serious policy of repatriating the ex-slaves back to Africa? Obviously this was done to some extent in Liberia, but I remember it being mentioned at school (probably falsely) that Lincoln's primary goal was repatriation.

  • Elizabeth Eckford Visit

    4 Votes
    11 Posts

    @Hooroo Great read. Thanks for posting. Eckford is a great role model IMHO.

  • Abortion

    3 Votes
    115 Posts

    Focus on the big issue here

  • Youtube Political Bias

    0 Votes
    17 Posts

    Lots of meme accounts deleted lately. I'm sure its a coincidence that the left can't meme

  • 4 Votes
    29 Posts

    @taniwharugby said in Child killer of 2-year-old James Bulger, Jon Venables, might be sent to New Zealand:

    @jegga wonder if your mate Goli has an opinion on this...at least we know Winny aint gonna let this happen, and we know he is pulling the strings anyway

    If inciting genocide is just being a pop singer I’m sure she has her own weird way of playing down what these sociopaths did .

    It turns out her round the clock security she needs is an out and out lie . I’d love to know what the greens actually think of her , she’s done them no favours .

    In other important news any updates on Neves birthday cake?

  • Online platforms Laws & Regulations

    0 Votes
    26 Posts

    Looks like Trump is listening. Whitehouse has set up a tool to report political censorship on social media.

    He better make a move soon, the list is growing longer by the days of 'wrong-think' individuals

  • Sri Lanka bombs

    0 Votes
    38 Posts

    @Rembrandt I'm all for freedom of expression, but the fact is it is mainly the Salafis that mandate the burqa or niqab so it is a good indicator of fundamental Islam. The ban is really just attacking a symptom rather than the cause though.

  • Notre Dame

    0 Votes
    15 Posts


    [...] A spokesman for the scaffolding company said Thursday: “Workers might have smoked at the work site outside, and we regret it.’’

    The spokesman added, however, that the workers “did not go into the attic on the day of the fire.’’

    ‘‘A cigarette could not have caused the fire,’’ he insisted. [...]

    (Unless then custodian accidentally mopped a floor with petrol and accidentally spilled the bucket on a few support beams and a co-worker accidentally flicked his lit cigarette onto the floor... damn, wrong thread again.)

  • Jack Dorsey on Rogan

    1 Votes
    9 Posts

    Twitter drops the SPLC from its trust and safety council . ( cheers and applause gif)

    Aaron Colen  /  Apr 17, 2019  /  News Report: Twitter no longer uses the Southern Poverty Law Center to police hate speech on the site | Blaze Media Report: Twitter no longer uses the Southern Poverty Law Center to police hate speech on the site | Blaze Media

    The SPLC is currently mired in scandals

  • So we are about to get taxed up a storm!

    0 Votes
    127 Posts

    @Kirwan said in So we are about to get taxed up a storm!:

    @Hooroo said in So we are about to get taxed up a storm!:

    After all that they said no to CGT. Nice

    So they pissed away $2million on a review that have ignored when they realised that 2/3rds of the country opposed the idea and it would likely cost them an election.

    So terrible with money, ignore experts they hand pick and have no principles? They either support the idea or they don't.

    The only positive is that it will put this to bed for another decade or so.

  • 1 Votes
    25 Posts

    Big fucken man getting an innocent young woman detained by the fbi.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Isn't he joining a new blockchain site called D-live ?

    Youtube seem to dislike him, they cut him out of last years end of year video and only featured his chair.

    Chrome have disabled dissenter too, weirdly Kiwi farms is back online in New Zealand now .