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  • Food and Stuff

    2 Votes
    22 Posts

    @MajorRage said in Food and Stuff:

    Just saw an ad on the heraald for hte big Mac family ... the Big Mac BLT and the Chicken Big Mac.

    Firstly, can I just say @Hooroo that I'm disappointed that you haven't already commented on these.

    SEcondly... anybody tried and whats the feedback (!) like?

    OK, So I had the Chicken big mac and never again. Doesn't work. Will be trying the BLT version as surely that will work.

  • Murray Ball RIP

    0 Votes
    34 Posts

    Far out, that artwork on the water tank of Dog looking up at a bright twinkling star puts something in my eye, too.

    If anyone dares graffiti that...

  • Mental health thread

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  • Ads on TV

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    48 Posts

    I really like those Trivago ads...nomidea what they are about, but good to watch.

  • Water

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @aucklandwarlord said in Water:

    We were on tanks in Beachlands before I left NZ and it sounds like they're having the opposite problem out there according to the local Facebook page. People are draining their tanks to make room for the expected influx.

    Isn't the water "shortage" something to do with there being so much silt in the water reservoir at the moment that they can't process it fast enough?

    Yup. The silt is reducing their processing capability. Looks like it might be best to switch to drinking beer all weekend in the little big city this weekend!!

  • Consumer Garantees act

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    24 Posts

    @Godder Absolutely. Having lived with domestic water pumps for long periods, they are actually quite reliable. The fact that TR and myself have both had one of the same brand and age fail not long after the warranty period is disappointing. I think a reasonable lifetime would be at least 5 years.

    Whether you think I am a reasonable person would depend on how many of my posts you have read...and adding GFY DAB probably wouldn't help, but an acceptable level of reliability should exceed 2 1/2 years IMHO.

  • Honey Rant

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    56 Posts

    @Kruse said in Honey Rant:

    Bees are... Batman?


  • VNC Viewer

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  • Scott Kuggeleijn sex trial

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    78 Posts

    @aucklandwarlord no real winner on the day as they say.....

  • Cloudflare

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    Not as big a dick move as the offshore developer who hard-coded the api key for one of our projects... then put it on Git


  • This topic is deleted!

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  • Ethical Dilemma

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    15 Posts

    @booboo said in Ethical Dilemma:

    Just as an aside ... given this is the Fern ... to clarify: reference to @Mokey was acknowledgement that she shared some ideas on how to develop Ms boo's writing talent. Ms boo writes about talking wolves and spooky forests ... not historical "romance".

    Fuck you, "'Donald".

  • Container House

    5 Votes
    18 Posts

    @Crucial said in Container House:

    @gollum said in Container House:

    @canefan said in Container House:

    This is the NZ design. Anything but grand

    Yep, thats out in West Melton, it was a fricking mess. Completely ignored all the point of using containers. Chopped out chunks meaning all the structual integrity of the container was gone & so on. Containers are great for small very basic houses, like a bach. Anything with scale they make no sense.

    They work in a big place as long as you take an approach like that Australian one where the container itself is embraced as a part of the design eg you don't try and disguise the fact internally.

    I sort of agree, the fact its 100% a container in most places works & might have been cheaper than a normal build. But anywhere in there that is open plan they've had to put in massive steel beams to hold it together structually. So they could have just built a normal house.

    The container ones are cheap because a container, with its front door replaced with a big window / door only needs cladding & its done. Its structually great. But as soon as you chop holes in the sides structually its compromised, so you need to spend cash reinforcing. More holes, more reinforcing. Till eventually you end up paying the same as for a non-container house.

    That Aussie one looks fricking awesome & as an architectual statement I love it. But it looks like a multimillionaire architect looking to make a cool statement as opposed to someone trying to build a house. I mean lets face it, thats a $1.5-$2m property, at least.

    They are a trade off between the cheapness of using structually solid boxes & the limitations of having closed in darker than usual uniform rooms. Most people try to make the rooms more open & lose the upside of the boxes, while stiill contrained by their limitations.

    Edit - built for $575k, sold for $1.4m so thats not bad(!)

    Discover Containers  /  Apr 19, 2022 Graceville Container Home - Discover Containers Graceville Container Home - Discover Containers

    Let's just be direct: the Graceville Container Home is one of the finest large container homes ever built anywhere in the world. It's truly a work of art,

  • Christchurch Fires ... And the WT's

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    2 Posts

    That looks pretty farking bad. Nothing like seeing a place get a few swift kicks in the groin to give you some perspective. Near a major population centre especially.

    Stay safe, fuckers.

  • Waikato river drowning

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    36 Posts

    @Kirwan said in Waikato river drowning:

    @piffle said in Waikato river drowning:

    Thanks for posting the warning signs @nzzp. I consider the DOC sign to be completely inadequate.

    There is no mention of floodgates regularly opening. That would be enough to put off most people.

    There is no mention of warning sirens. Presumably Ms De Jong and her friends had no idea what the sirens meant when they went off.

    Instead of the very mild "Water level may rise" how about "Raging torrents several times a day"

    It only says swimming is not advised. This pretty weak considering the situation there and a previous drowning.

    Risk of drowning, swimming not advised not enough of a warning? Should they have made the sign in crayon for milllenial stupidity?

    probably should have written the sign in txt format with a ton of # as well


  • Nicknames

    1 Votes
    34 Posts

    I didn't read the original article, but considering most kids have an Instagram or YouTube account, they still probably use nicknames, even if it is just online.

    In high school I had a very ethnically diverse group of friends and our nicknames would probably have us in jail in these absurdly pc times. Being half Kiwi, half German I was called everything involving sheep and Hitler.
    Another mate was Burmese-Italian, the Greasie Burmesee.

    Malaysian Chinese: Yellow, Mr Slant or Monkey Magic.
    Indian named Russell: Rissole or Burnt Rissole
    Another Indian: Curry Muncher or just Curry.
    Bulgarian-Pole: Commie

    Incredibly enough, none of us have been irreparably scarred by these base insults.

    Another friend who was a rather large, hairy chap was called at various times: Horse Head, Meatloaf, Quasimodo, Yeti, Big Foot, and Bfnas (bum fluff needs a shave).

    But by far the worst was: Phantom Bogger.

    What happened is that during class at school, some sick bastard crapped all over the toilet seat in one of the toilets. Fark it was disgusting. My mate was jokingly accused of being the culprit. Unfortunately for him the name , or variants such as Bogger or Phantom, stuck like the shit on that toilet. The bizarre thing is he didn't protest at all, but it made no difference. I often wonder how he explained that one to his wife and how he'll explain it to his children.

  • Wairoa - Places To Stay

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Stay in Mahia!!!

  • It's OK M4L, you can move back to NZ now.

    6 Votes
    7 Posts

    @Hooroo - that is some of your best work:

    alt text

  • 63 and still looking fine

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    15 Posts

    @NTA said in 63 and still looking fine:

    Still, would want to find out what The Piano Man was on about

    Whenever you think "Me'h, Billy Joel" remember that he was lurking in the hotel lobby hoping to meet and bang Elle MacPherson, he'd waited a while & got bored, then Brinkley walked in so he thought "she'll do"

    No really. I should have learned piano...

  • Facebook ads - marketing in general

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    12 Posts

    Yeah. We call it "Our club" 😉

    In all seriousness, while we don't have a Masters team, there are a stack of veterans (at least one 50yo I know) playing Thirds at our club. Some days, even Seconds. There is a whitehaired old bloke who must be pushing 65 over at Canterbury.

    I'm turning 41 this year, and will probably pull the boots on a few times. Subbies is good fun. Sundays are generally aches and pains.

    PM me if you'd like more details.